Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New to the blogging world!!

O.k., I am really going to give this a try! I am new to this so no comments from the peanut gallery! I decided today that enough is enough. I need to get it together. Every morning part of my routine is to get on-line and look at every one's blogs. I am always so impressed by what everyone has to say and how nice all your blogs look with new pictures and entries all the time. You are all such a clever bunch of people that I spend half my time laughing and the other half crying. So, anyone who has any pointers on how to make this blog great drop me a note! I will sign off with a shout out to my best friends and their wonderful blogs! Megan and Paula, you both totally rock and are my inspiration!


paula said...

yeah! I am so glad you are blogging! It looks great so far! I will help you with anything you want to figure out on the blog...if I know how. I am blog-tarded too but together we might be able to figure it out!

You are such a good friend-thanks for the shout out-no-one has ever done a blog shout out to me before. You are my first! Love you and Welcome to the blogging world.

Megan said...

Ah, your so sweet. So excited that you have joined this bloggin world. I too will help if you have any questions. Blog-tarded. Love that Paula. We love you. Miss you terribly. Will be checking this daily so remember that. Love~ M

Megan said...

14 days since your last post. Bad blogger (little hand slap). So here is something to think about... A tag, I could forward you one since I never really do them or a question like: What would you do if you could not fail? Or what are 20 things you want to do before 35? I would love to read more from you... Love ya, megan