So once again almost a month has passed and I have failed to keep everyone updated. Shame on me!!! I really have great intentions, but some how I get busy, lazy, or forgetful. We have been having a fairly good month. We have been trying to get our house organized for the baby and somehow nothing seems to be working. We started out with great intentions...
1 - We moved all the furniture out of our room and the baby's room.
2 - Tried to clean the carpets (by try I mean our carpet cleaner didn't work after Dom spent two hours working on our bedroom just to end up with wet carpet).
3- Borrowing my mom's carpet cleaner the next day and things looking NO better!
4- Trying to sort through and get rid of things. We have way to much CRAP!!!
5- Going through closets and getting rid of clothes as well as boxing up summer clothes.
Now here is where we stand....
1 - Sleeping in our guest room for the last month, which also has all the baby furniture stuck in the corner.
2- Our living room is currently housing our bed.
3- We have more of our clothes in laundry baskets in the basement than we have in closets or dressers.
4- Carpet still not cleaned to my satisfaction due to the fact that Dom has worked every weekend since we started this project and I can't rent a good carpet cleaner that I can lift myself.
5- My life is utter chaos and now Dom wants to start our bathroom remodel.
Do you see me pulling my hair out and screaming?
I do have to give my sweet husband credit, for the last couple of weeks he has gotten up and made me breakfast. I don't just mean cereal or yogurt. I'm talking french toast, omelets, and egg mcmuffins. He is like a thirty-five year old, expectant father, with a little Martha Stewart thrown in(I do have a picture to add here, be patient). He is always so sweet to make sure that I have my glass of chocolate milk in the mornings (only way I can gag it down) so that I don't starve the baby. By the way did you know I have his baby in here? Really?
We had our last appointment on the 23rd and things seem to be going well. I am getting rounder by the day (picture here as well, patience). The baby is moving around a bunch and the heart rate is right where it should be. We have our f/u ultrasound scheduled for next Friday and we are really excited. I will be doing my glucose testing next Friday as well, so keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!
Sounds like you have your hands full! It is really hard to get things in order for a baby. You feel like nothing is ever gonna get done! It will be finished soon enough. I am glad things are going well with the baby. I would love to see some prego pics!
I didn't see any pictures. I was patient. Still no pictures. Is it just my computer?
Don't stress. Everything will be done before little Baby Salazar (I stopped calling him Jesus... it didn't roll off the tongue) I want to see a prego picture.
Love you guys, can't wait to see you again, someday, hopefully soon... Love, me
Hope you got your stuff done this weekend. I couldn't see the pics either.
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